This year, Austin Girls Choir (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing Austin area girls top-level opportunities for music education and performances) has been hard pressed to accommodate the needs of its choristers, as longterm funding sources have become casualties of the economy and a record number of families have not been able to pay full tuition. To help raise much-needed operational funds, AGC will hold its annual benefit, Women Who Cook, on Sunday, Nov. 14, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Allegra Azulay, one of the proud mothers of the group, is very excited about the event. "My daughters Kira and Shastia are choristers in the Austin Girls Choir," she says. "In it's 20 years, the Austin Girls Choir has toured all over the US and Europe, and even sung at the White House for President George W. Bush (private audience). We are very proud to be associated with this nationally-renowned group, and of the investment it makes in the girls of the Greater Austin community."
Check out the next generation of Texas Women in Music singing their hearts out!
If you'd like to learn more about the Austin Girls Choir or contribute: